Re-pitching a Staircase: Steps and Considerations

10 Oct 2023

Staircases, beyond their fundamental function, can profoundly influence a home's interior design and user comfort. However, over time, the pitch or angle of a staircase may become unsuitable, either due to structural shifts, renovations, or simply evolving needs. Re-pitching a staircase can significantly improve both its safety and aesthetic appeal. But what does this process entail, and what should homeowners consider?

Understanding Staircase Pitch

The pitch or slope of a staircase refers to the angle formed by the horizontal and vertical components of the stairs. A comfortable and safe pitch allows users to ascend or descend with ease. However, a pitch that's too steep can be dangerous and difficult to navigate, especially for elderly residents or young children.

Reasons to Re-pitch a Staircase

Several factors might necessitate the re-pitching of a staircase:

  • Safety Concerns: Over time, structural changes in a home might make a staircase too steep or shallow, increasing the risk of slips and falls.
  • Home Renovations: If you're renovating and changing the layout of your home, the current pitch of your staircase might no longer be suitable.
  • Aesthetic Upgrades: A different staircase pitch can transform the look of your interior, offering a fresh perspective and design appeal.

Steps to Re-pitching a Staircase

  • Assessment: Before making any changes, have a thorough assessment of the current staircase. Measure the rise (vertical height) and the run (horizontal depth) of the steps to determine the existing pitch.
  • Determine the Ideal Pitch: Consult building codes and standards to ascertain the recommended pitch for residential staircases. Generally, a comfortable and safe rise-to-run ratio is between 6:10 and 7.5:10.
  • Design and Planning: Once you know the desired pitch, sketch a design or work with a professional to create a plan. This will provide a clear vision of the end result and aid in accurate construction.
  • Demolition: Safely remove the old staircase, ensuring that you don't compromise the structural integrity of surrounding areas.
  • Reconstruction: Build the new staircase according to the planned design, ensuring that each step conforms to the desired pitch.
  • Finishing Touches: Once the structure is in place, add balusters, handrails, and any desired finishes to complete the look.

Considerations When Re-pitching a Staircase

  • Space Limitations: Re-pitching might require more or less horizontal space, depending on whether you're making the staircase steeper or shallower. Assess if your home can accommodate these changes without compromising other areas.
  • Cost: While re-pitching can be less expensive than a complete staircase replacement, costs can still mount up, especially if you're opting for premium materials or intricate designs.
  • Professional Help: Due to the technical nature of the task, it's advisable to seek professional help rather than attempting a DIY project. Expert carpenters or contractors can ensure the job is done right, guaranteeing safety and durability.
  • Duration: Depending on the complexity of the project, re-pitching a staircase can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Make necessary living arrangements, especially if the stairs are a primary access point between floors.
  • Material Selection: Choose materials that are durable and align with the aesthetic of your home. Whether you're leaning towards a traditional oak staircase or a more contemporary design with metal and glass, the materials should complement your interior.
  • Safety Precautions: Even after re-pitching, ensure the staircase is equipped with sturdy handrails and non-slip surfaces. Safety should always be paramount.


Re-pitching a staircase is a thoughtful blend of design aesthetics and functional necessity. While it offers homeowners the chance to redefine a significant component of their interior, it also ensures that safety standards are met. By understanding the steps involved and giving due consideration to the nuances of the project, homeowners can confidently embark on the journey of re-pitching, making every step taken in the home safe and visually appealing.